March 02, 2010

Spring had sprung

I was walking to the train station this morning and decided to go through the park seeing as the sun was shining. The air was crisp and the wild spring flowers were out, what a blissful feeling. It's the first time in a long time that I've taken a deep breath and took it all in. I walked extra slow and enjoyed it (usually I'm getting battered by rain, wind or snow).

As the weather is getting better and the nights are gradually getting lighter, me and my mum have decided to build a little wildlife pond in the garden. We're not going to have fish, it causes too much heartbreak when the heron comes to visit, so we're going to have frogs instead. We've been getting clued up on how to attract all the frogs and newts from an old Charlie Dimmock book I got when I was younger. Apparently the trick is to get a few bottles of water from a really old natural pond and some rotting logs from the woods. I've always been infatuated by ponds, I really can't wait.

So it's March! It's quite the month for my family and I. My Nan and Granddad are Celebrating their Golden wedding anniversary! 50 solid years together and they're still so in love. They are the glue that holds my family together, we're going to celebrate this one big time!

My boyfriend and I are also celebrating our anniversary this month. Our first :) it's not exactly 50 years but it could be one day. I love him very much.

Anyway, I've finished my Contemporary Art and Globalisation essay, which doesn't have to be in til the 19th, so it gives me loads more time for my own art practise. Life is good..

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