March 07, 2010

David Gillanders

Gillanders is a photojournalist from Glasgow, Scotland. He travels the world photographing situations and issues that affect us all in one way or another, from homeless people to violent crimes on the streets. He captures so much emotion and really brings forward the reality of the world's ever growing poverty and it's violent crimes.

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson

I've been in two minds whether to write about this, but seeing as a delete button is so accesible, I'm going to anyway.

It's about the James Bulger killers, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. Everyone knows about the new revelations that Venables has been recalled to prison on "very serious allegations". The government refuse to say anything else at this moment in time about the incident, as they are hoping that Jon Venables will be investigated, tried and brought to justice as fairly as possible, under his new identity.

Due to a very similar personal experience involving an extremely unfair murder case, I do not think that Venables even deserves a trial, let alone a fair one! The government spent hundereds of thousands of pounds of tax payer's money to protect these animals, after serving a mere 8 years in a detention centre. Against the public's wishes and James Bulger's mother's warnings, the government released the two killers back into society, claiming they posed no threat to the public and are no longer a danger to society. How wrong they were.

Personally, I think the government are hiding the information on Venables' re-call to prison because they have messed up in a collosal way. They took no notice of the public and most importantly of all James Bulger's parent's feelings about the release. Now one of the monsters is back behind bars, because he has obviously violated the terms of his license of release. The government told us that he posed no threat or danger to society! They gave Venables and Thompson an oportunity for a new life, where no one could know who they were and what a horrific thing they had done. The two child killers have almost been given permission to forget about what they did and how many lives they have destroyed. It is not right and it is not fair. In circumstances so vulgar and disturbing, no one should be able to walk free again. What about poor James? He'll never be given that chance. What about James' parents? They'll never be able to see their little boy grow up, they'll never be able to hold him, they'll never be able to forget what happened to him and they'll never stop wondering what James' last horrifying moments alive were like.

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson should both be exposed, not protected. What have they done to deserve such fair treatment? What have James' parents done to deserve such awfully unfair treatment? There is no such thing as justice and personally, I have no faith that there ever will be.

Rest in peace James
Rot in hell Venables and Thompson.

Rob Hornstra

I'm currently looking at documentary photography and film, as I'm doing something along these lines for my art practise in University. I've been surfing the net trying to find images that can really inspire and explain what I want to achieve. Most of the images I came across are black and white, war photography, which isn't at all what I want. Finally, I discovered a photographer called Rob Hornstra. He's a documentary photograper from the Netherlands who travelled to Russia to take some amazing, moving and astonishing photographs of the poverty and the economic recession under Vladimir Putin's rule.