November 11, 2009

DLA Piper: Sculpture Remixed, Tate, Liverpool

Curated by Wayne Hemingway & Son
Lighting Design: Kathrine Sandys

Red or Dead founder, Wayne Hemingway & Son present symbolic sculpture in a contemporary, interactive environment. The sculptures are displayed in a deep purple room filled with spot lights, disco balls and a light up dance floor. Outside the room, there are pairs of headphones that you can wear when inside the disco room, they play 70’s disco music to help you become engrossed into the atmosphere. As I walked around this room I felt that I became one of the sculptures, as though it was a party.

‘The life-size figurative works, created over a period spanning one hundred and twenty years, tell the story of the human body as represented through sculpture, from the neo-classical ideal of beauty of the late nineteenth century to the increased naturalism typical of the early twentieth century.’ -

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