April 25, 2010


While I was in London, my friend introduced me to her boyfriend, who is part of a great organisation called Zineswap. 

Zineswap aims to be a resource through which people can swap their zines with one-another.  It also aims to become a vast archive of contemporary zine publishing, existing as both an online catalogue and an annual exhibition.

The are looking for contributions from people that self publish their own zine or magazine.  Content is not limited in any way, your zine can be about anything!

Check out their website righ www.zineswap.com


I've just got back from a few days of the Big Smoke, I went to visit my best friend, Debbie (click here to see her tumblr!) and it was perfect.  The weather couldn't have been nicer, the wine couldn't have flown any better and the company was awesome.  We took the few days we had in our stride and it was lovely.  We went on a little shopping trip to Brick Lane in Shoreditch, which was full to the brim with gorgeous little vintage shops.  How I didn't blow all my money, I have no idea!  We went for the most amazing Pizza just outside of Rough Trade's store.  It was total bliss.  

Click on the photographs to see the larger versions! 

Debbie's flat is amazing too, the view from her living room was beautiful, especially at night time.  It overlooks Canary Wharf with a backdrop of all the famous sky scrapers and buildings. I went a little snap happy!

Anyway, we also went for a wander around Oxford Circus, had a cry in Selfridges at how poor we were, went down Carnaby Street, which made me even more depressed about my lack of money - but window shopping was good enough! 

Then we hit the Wellcome Collection in Euston.  It was fantastic!  "A destination for the incurably curious". And that it was.  We went and had a look in the Medicine Now gallery, it "presents a range of ideas about science and medicine since Henry Wellcome's death in 1936. It reflects the experiences and interests of scientists, doctors and patients.

Within the huge field of medicine this exhibition attempts to focus on only a few topics: the body, genomes, malaria, obesity and living with medical science. Each is explored through a range of exhibits from science and everyday life, as well as artistic responses to the issues presented in red 'art cubes'". - Wellcome Collection Website, curated by Ken Arnold and Steve Cross.
That exhibition then led on to my favourite part of the museum - Medicine Man.  "Henry Wellcome was a man of many parts: entrepreneur, philanthropist, patron of science and pioneer of aerial photography. He also created one of the world's great museums: a vast stockpile of evidence about our universal interest in health and the body.
More than 150 years after his birth in 1853, this exhibition reunites a cross-section of extraordinary objects from his collection, ranging from diagnostic dolls to Japanese sex aids, and from Napoleon's toothbrush to George III's hair. It also provides a very different perspective on some of our own obsessions with medicine and health.
In 'Medicine Man' some objects are gathered by type and others by broad cross-cultural themes. Seven other objects are presented individually and are examined by a variety of commentators from different backgrounds, to show that one object can mean many different things and tell many different stories." - Wellcome Collection Website, curated by Ken Arnold, Steve Cross and Danielle Olsen.
I completely recommend this place!

April 19, 2010


Dualism is a Manchester-Based company which produces FRS style straps for bicycle riders who need style and substance from their bike.

Jump on these links to have a gander at these fine specimens:

Donna De Cesare

Donna De Cesare is a photojournalist, born in New York and now based in England.  Her insight into gang culture across America, especially L.A and San Salvador has won her many awards and has had her work featured in  news and arts publications including The New York Times magazine, Life, DoubleTake, Aperture and Mother Jones.  De Cesare is also a video journalist and documentary producer.

"Recognized as an expert on issues of youth identity and gang violence, DeCesare has worked as a consultant to UNICEF both as a photographer/reporter and in helping to develop the protocols for representation of at-risk children and youth which UNICEF now promotes globally. She is also on the Executive Board of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma."

Her photographs are ruthlessly raw, they are a reality check and one of the most detailed insights into this gang culture and warfare that is happening in L.A and San Salvador.

Edgar's Story is a recent project by De Cesare, she introduces the series of narrative photographs with this short statement; "As a child Edgar witnessed the brutality of Salvadorian death squads.  In LA he grew up in a world of gangs.  Later he found his destiny, in the streets of San Salvador."

De Cesare showed a travelling exhibition called Hijos del Destino: Youth Violence in the Americas in May 26, 2005 at The Atrium, London School of Economics, London.

April 13, 2010

Craig F. Walker

Captured: Ian Fisher : American Soldier

A friend of mine (click to see his blog!) sent me the link to this photojournalist's work.  The photographer is called Craig F. Walker and he works for the Denver Post.  Along with reporters from the Denver Post, he has followed a young American Soldier named Ian Fisher and his family.  The photographs taken tell the story of Ian's first enrolment into the Armed Forces to the present and truly expose the lifestyle of a USA soldier.  Walker captures fragile, important and fascinating moments that people on the outside of this job do not see.  We hear so much about the happenings of a soldier in the war against terrorism, but we hardly ever get such a detailed insight.  Click on the top link to see the whole series of photographs.

April 05, 2010

Joseph Rodriguez

Joseph Rodriguez is a photojournalist based in New York.  He has travelled America to take photographs of and expose the violent gang issues that his Country is experiencing.  He focuses on the use of weapons, gang tattoos and graffiti and also shows mothers and their children being present around guns, ammunition and violence, as their partners show them off to the camera. (clickity click to enlarge)